Detailed Design, Contract Documents for Durres and Rrogozhine Bypass, Tirana-Vora Highway Safety Study
• Engineering Studies, including evaluation of possible variants
• Detailed Surveys & Investigations (topographic, geotechnical, hydraulic, existing structures, utilities, traffic investigations, etc.)
• Environmental Impact Study
• Safety audit
• Preparation of Final Detailed Design
• Preparation of Contract Documents
Center Albania -Tirana, Durres, Rrogozhina Districts
PHARE Transport PMU/Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications
Completion Date:
• Road – Length 5.1 + 12 km
• 3 Bridges
• 2 Roundabout,
• 2 Interchange
• 8 Underpass
• Minor structures
Part of the modernization of the Albanian road network has been taken into account by the PHARE Transport PMU / Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications for the design of four important projects: Durres bypass – Rrogozhine bypass – Vora secondary roads – Tirana / Vora highway safety study
- Detailed design of Durres bypass, a modern and safe infrastructure (approx 5.1 km) connecting Tirana – Durres Highway and the port to the south main Albanian corridor. In order to satisfy traffic studies, and separate the long distance and the local traffic, the typical cross section matches “type D” of the new Italian Standards (double carriageway, 2x3.25 + 0.5 inner + 1.0 outer shoulders each with 3.75+0.5+1.25 service roads each side, design speed 50÷80 km/hr. ).The project includes a two level interchange, 2 roundabouts, a 4-cells underpass for the existing railway and the requalification of the local roads adjacent to the bypass.
- Detailed design of Rrogozhine town bypass according to the selected alignment (approved by the Albanian National Road Council in Feb. 2003) proposed by the Feasibility Study. The road matches “type C1” of the new Italian Standards (single carriageway 2x3.75 + 1.50 shoulders, design speed 60÷100 km/hr.). The whole road (approx 4.3 km) includes a 2-cells underpass for the existing railway and 2 roundabouts for the connection with the existing viability.
- Detailed design of Vora secondary roads which includes the full design of 2 multilevel interchanges on the Tirana – Vora – Durres highway for U-turn facilities and connection with adjacent services and local roads and the “Kamez Interchange”, the main gate at Tirana side, for the communication on the Tirana – Durres axis, fundamental for the Albanian national road network. The “Kamez Interchange” in a generally flat area, includes the full design of approx 1.1 km of super elevated main road (“Type A” 3x3.75 + 3.0 emergency lane + 0.70 inner shoulder), an at grade roundabout (approx. 0.7 km) with 3x4.0 traffic lanes and approx. 2.1 km of local roads (traffic lane 2x3.0 m). Vora secondary roads also include the detailed design of the secondary road network around Vora town, which connects the Tirana – Durres highway to the Riinas airport and bypasses the town.
- Tirana – Vora highway safety study (about 12 km) includes the assessment of the existing situation by critical review of the existing interchanges, entry and exit ramps, road traffic sign and lighting, pedestrian crossing, and Kamza Interchange to enhance the safety and functionality of the highway. Designed structures (as per Italian Code) include: 3 bridges, 4x25 m prestressed concrete, 1x22 and 1x22.30 m reinforced concrete and a 4-cells and 4 single cells underpasses. All structures are calculated in accordance to the 1st category level of seismicity.